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Top 5 Digital Marketing Tips And Strategies For Deck Builder

Deck builders have the tough task of designing and building the perfect solution after considering the unique aspects of each place, like home or office. It is not uncommon for them to overlook or be unaware of the digital transformation impacting all industries. Digital transformation is essentially customer-driven, where more customers are now opting for the digital-first approach. This article provides essential information on hiring a digital marketing agency for deck builders & contractors.

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Here are a few statistics to better understand the extent of digital transformation:

  • Active Internet users globally as of April 2022 is 5 billion.
  • The number of users active on social media was 4.65 billion globally in April 2022.
  • Internet usage increased by 1.355% between 2000 to 2022. 
  • 66.2% of the world’s population uses the Internet.
  • As of 2021, 54.4% of world mobile traffic is from mobiles; this figure was 6.1% in 2011.
  • Facebook has over 2.9 billion active users.
  • Google accounts for 92,01% of the global search engine market share.

Marketing is essential for every business, including deck builders. It has evolved over the years, making it essential to have a good digital marketing strategy to remain competitive. Whether you are a start-up or a well-established business, you must implement some of the techniques this type of marketing has to offer.

Professional builders often find it hard to devote time to essential marketing activities. This is usually from being busy working on their projects and unable to take on other tasks. However, marketing is a key element of any business; in fact, companies that fail to devote time to developing a decent marketing strategy are bound to fail in the future. Gandhi Technoweb Solutions create custom solutions for deck builders since they have an in-depth understanding of this marketing. Moreover, our digital marketing solutions are also affordable. 

Top 5 Digital Marketing Strategies For Deck Builders

  1. SEO: This is one of the best techniques to optimise your website and ensure it ranks high. Ranking high on relevant search engine results is the first step to gaining the upper edge over your competitors. This helps improve your customer base and increase your revenue. This usually involves keyword research, optimising the website itself, ensuring it performs well and boosting the page rank.
  2. PPC: Pay-per-click (PPC) is the ideal technique for deck builders since it helps them gain more relevant leads. This helps increase the conversion rate while keeping your marketing expenses low. The fact that one can use phrases and keywords to trigger your ad works in your favour. The way this works is you pay a predefined amount only after someone clicks on your ad. PPC technique is ideal since it is possible to target a highly specific demographic to ensure your campaign is effective. 
  3. Email marketing: This is a good method of promoting your services. It allows you to reach directly to your customer’s mailbox and provide them with a highly interactive and appealing newsletter with all relevant information. This can include information on important updates too. Professional marketers help automate an email marketing campaign for the benefit of deck builders. 
  4. Social media marketing: With a high percentage of social media users, social media networks are the ideal platform for digital marketing. Your business must include this technique as a part of the digital marketing strategy. It is the ideal method to target a certain demographic and build personal relationships. It is also a good way to send a message to the masses fast. Some popular social media networks include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  5. Content Marketing: Quality content is an essential element of any marketing strategy. The main aim is to create and distribute valuable content to help to gain a good page rank, increase customer base and maintain it. Content marketing is a technique that large firms and brands use. It is also relevant for deck builders and can help increase sales, cut costs, and increase ROI.

Reasons Why Deck Builders Need To Hire Professionals 

  • When you hire professionals, you can be sure you are getting a team who is well aware of the latest trends. 
  • They are fully aware of the latest tactics & strategies and are also reliable.
  • It might be that a firm has marketing experts in-house. However, hiring a special digital marketing agency means having highly trained and skilled marketers on your team. It can work as an extension of your current marketing team. 
  • The expert digital marketing agency works for you while you can focus on other, more pressing business matters.
  • A professional agency will have vast resources and use advanced tools to give your business the upper edge.

Gandhi Technoweb Solutions is one such digital marketing agency with talented marketers and tons of resources to help you achieve your goals. We offer SEO and PPC services for Deck Builders. At times it is hard for the deck builders to devote time to finding a good marketing firm. Several businesses might have attempted to implement a digital marketing strategy but have failed, while others do not believe it will work. We have the perfect solution for deck builders with highly trained professionals who are well aware of all the techniques and help develop a custom marketing strategy for your business. 

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Deck builders can also benefit from a good digital marketing strategy. It is not uncommon for them to find it hard to devote time to marketing or research work. Many are often sceptical or do not trust hiring a digital marketing agency. A professional firm has the expertise to ensure the business ranks well on search engines and targets the relevant audience. 

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