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Why Do Car Dealers Need Website Design & Internet Marketing?

Buying a used car isn’t what it used to be. Our perception of buying a used car was having to visit a car dealer at a location far away and spend hours searching for a suitable one. It often means travelling far and visiting multiple car dealers and spending a lot of time. This was true till a few years ago however, the way car dealers do business has evolved over the years and this is mainly due to consumer behavior. 

People are now spending more time online and using their electronic devices like tablets and smartphones for research, shopping, and more. This article provides more information on why Internet marketing for car dealers is essential as is a well-designed website.

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Significance of a Good Website Design & Digital Marketing Strategy   

All car dealers need to capitalize on the digital age and develop a website for their dealership to ensure they have an online presence. With so many car dealerships and creative websites, it is essential to develop a stunning website that stands out. This often means seeking help from professionals. Here are a few statistics that suggest the same:

  • The number of smartphone subscribers worldwide in 2021 was 6259 million while that in 2016 was 3668 million. This figure is expected to rise to 7650 million by 2027.
  • Over 5 billion people around the world use the Internet which amounts to approximately 63% of the total population.
  • The Internet population grew by over 200 million in the last year leading up to April 2022.
  • Social media users worldwide were 4.65 billion in April 2022.
  • There are more than 5.32 billion unique mobile phone users worldwide.
  • Approximately 6 of 10 internet users buy something online every week.

These statistics clearly suggest that this is the digital era with a greater reliance on the internet. An online presence is essential for all types of business and a car dealership is no exception. Almost everyone first uses the Internet to do some research prior to making a purchase either online or locally from a store. This makes it vital for businesses to just simply have an online presence but also to ensure they have a well-designed website. Online users do not tend to have a lot of patience, hence if they do not find what they are looking for, they will simply browse to the next website. Here, are a few good reasons why you need a professional website design & digital marketing strategy:

  • A good website helps one create a strong online presence and brand awareness.
  • It is a key element in gaining the trust of the visitors.
  • Developing an SEO friendly website means it is easier for the users to find you. 
  • A good digital marketing strategy, one that also involves social media networks will ensure your website and brand has maximum exposure in a short span of time.
  • Other marketing techniques like blogs, content marketing, PPC, etc. also play a vital role in helping car dealers gain the upper edge.
  • Good customer service in the way of chatbots, and quick response via email or chat is what most potential customers appreciate.
  • Traditional marketing techniques like billboard advertising, etc. are still effective however, digital marketing techniques are more effective with a high percentage of internet users.
  • There is a high percentage of social media users making this the ideal platform to get your message to the masses fast. It is simpler to target the right audience by developing a good strategy.
  • An online business is simpler to manage, allows more control, and helps increase your visibility.

Tips To Design the Perfect Website

  • Consider developing a mobile first website, one that is responsive and compatible with various devices.
  • The colors you pick for your website create a great impact on the visitor’s perception and the overall image.
  • It is vital that users can find what they are looking for easily. 
  • A simple website design, one with good navigation and intuitive UI is more effective. However, it is still essential one be creative with the website design.

Benefits of Hiring Digital Marketing Services for Car Dealers

Professional online marketing for a car dealership involves highly skilled marketers with the ability to develop a custom marketing strategy for your firm. They are always aware of the current trends, will help you develop the perfect strategy, and provide a detailed report after analysis and monitoring. They stay focused on the job and provide measurable feedback. We are a full-fledged digital marketing agency providing a wide range of solutions and strategies to help our clients gain the best ROI. Get in touch with us for the best website and digital marketing solution for your car dealership.

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This is well and truly the digital era where it is essential for all businesses including a car dealership to have a strong online presence. A well-designed and appealing website is the best way to start. At Gandhi Technoweb Solutions we offer the best solutions for your car dealership. This includes providing the best digital marketing strategies for your business as well as helping with developing state-of-the-art websites.